Data collection on scents and odours in Castelfranco Veneto
May 2022
One of the environmental information VARCITIES is gathering in Castelfranco Veneto is related to the perfumes, scents and odours that can be perceived in the historical garden of Castelfranco Veneto’s pilot site, the Villa Revedin Bolasco. Data is collected and analysed to assess the effects of nature and green areas on people. Indeed, according to several studies positive emotions can be elicited by certain fragrances, lowering stress levels and improving overall mental outlook. Research finds both memory and emotion, smells and scents can have a huge psychological impact.
Although the historical garden of Villa Revedin Bolasco is mainly on shades of green and few flower plants, during spring and summer it is nevertheless possible to perceive the scent of roses, lemon trees, underwood, soil and resins. Thanks to the intervention the local company with expertise in the survey and analysis of odour sources, Osmotech of Lifeanalytics Srl, it has been possible to detect the perfumes that might trigger responses on the visitors to the garden.
These data will be put in relation to the results of the study carried out by the Department of General Psychology and the Padova Neuroscience Centre of the University of Padova.