Our Pilot in Dundalk is gearing up for the official unveiling of its Visionary Solutions!

May 2024

Construction is coming to a close at the Dundalk pilot site for the implementation of their three Visionary Solutions!

VS1 is set to introduce an Outdoor Learning Pod, designed to showcase the latest technologies and serve as a hub for various collaborative activities at Dundalk Library and Museum Quarter. Construction of the pod is almost done, with new fencing and CCTV to secure the site. Soon outdoor Wi-Fi will be available in the area, and the new software to monitor PV savings from the PV panels on the Museum roofs will be deployed.

The foundational work for VS2, with the Outdoor Urban Green Learning and Sensory Garden for Health and Well-being, has been laid, metal fins have been erected to better delineate the area. Planters and the new rainwater harvesting system will be installed in the coming weeks. New LED public lighting is in place and a Touchscreen Monitor to display green learnings and present VARCITIES’ Health & Well-Being platform will soon be installed outside.

Sensors were installed in Autumn 2023 to gather data on visitor numbers and the duration of their stay, enhancing the overall user experience. A new air quality control station was also installed recently.

For VS3, sensor-equipped bike-stations have been installed already. The existing car park area has been removed and relocated outside the courtyard, and the surface area has been repaved to improve pedestrian and cycle use.

A water fountain is also now available for visitors!

We look forward to the official opening of the Pilot site in Dundalk on 24th June 2024!