Playful Greenery coming to Gzira Primary School

22nd June 2021

With the launch of the new project, School Playscapes – Innovative Learning Approaches Through Play, Gzira presents a soon to be, new area for play and leisure for children, and the rest of the community. This project is part of fruitful collaboration between the University of Malta and Gzira Local Council, and amongst many others, VARCITIES is proudly supporting the implementation of this vital community project.  

School Playscapes aims to improve Maltese citizens and residents of Gzira’s physical health and psychological wellbeing through a community garden intervention, which will include a conceptual school playscape and possibly an artistic and environmental micro-intervention.  

The playscape will be co-created as an interactive and permanent public art installation within the Gzira Primary School with aesthetic direction from the lead artist, Laura Besançon. The scope of its design is to help children teach themselves and others through project-based learning, and explore innovative ways of expressing their creativity. This playscape allows for imaginations to thrive rather than be restricted by traditional, rigid play areas. It’s architecture will allow children to experience multiple modes of play, namely; exploratory, creative, imaginative, social and locomotor play, among others. 

The School Playscapes project is funded by the Arts Education scheme of the Arts Council Malta, as part of the RESTART 2021 Scheme. It is implemented in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 funded VARCITIES project. VARCITIES commends the effort and dedication of all actors toward the fruition of the project and looks forward to strengthening the impact. 

Click here to learn more about the project. 

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