D3.5: Guidelines for sketching of solutions

Work Package 3, led by Eurac Research, is dedicated to identifying problems affecting the VARCITIES pilot areas and providing the common knowledge framework needed to refine and prepare the deployment of the Visionary Solutions (VSs) proposed by the project.

Specifically, within Task 3.2, Deliverable 3.5 aims to provide guidelines for sketching effective VSs to be implemented. The document serve as a guidance not only for VARCITIES pilot leaders and their local partners, but also for cities and communities willing to develop similar solutions for citizens’ H&WB

Key messages

  • The Deliverable provides guidelines for designing effective Visionary Solutions through a participatory co-design process involving local stakeholders.
  • This serves as a resource within the project, for VARCITIES pilot leaders, local partners, but also for other cities and communities seeking similar solutions.
  • The key steps for designing Visionnary Solutions are outlined, including defining objectives, identifying partners and stakeholders, designing a business model canvas, exploring funding opportunities, establishing a suitable governance model, and creating a work plan.

Executive Summary

Having faced the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and being aware of the need to cope with climate change adaptation and mitigation, cities are promoting new ideas, striving to implement inclusive co-design processes in the planning and designing of Visionary Solutions (VSs), and to rethink urban spaces in a healthier and more ecological way. The European Commission has defined Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) as nature-inspired and supported solutions that simultaneously provide several benefits that help building resilience. On the other hand, another concept that has emerged in recent years is that of Smart City, defined as a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient by the use of innovative technologies, digitalization of systems, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In this context, the Visionary Solutions based on urban digital transformation and nature-based actions, proposed by the VARCITIES project, aim to further implement the definition of NBS, proposing the resolution of well-known local urban issues by addressing them from a new perspective capable of combining technologies and/or experimenting innovative approaches. The objective of VARCITIES Work Package 3 (WP3) is to provide the common knowledge framework that is necessary to achieve integrated VSs designed to foster a significant increase in Health & Wellbeing (H&WB) in VARCITIES pilot cities. Within WP3, visionary ideas are further developed into feasible actions by following a participatory codesign process involving local stakeholders and assuming a “multiple benefits” perspective. The Visionary Solutions implementation requires not only a technical know-how, but also the mobilization of competencies and skills from across institutional sectors, in particular during the co-design phase, and the present deliverable D3.5 aims to provide guidelines for sketching effective VSs to be implemented. The document serve as a guidance not only for VARCITIES pilot leaders and their local partners, but also for cities and communities willing to develop similar solutions for citizens’ H&WB. However, local administrations may suffer from the lack of skills, knowledge or human resources to implement effective actions and to guide local administrations along the co-creation path. For what has been said, this document presents the key steps to follow: from the definition of the objectives and desired results, to the work plan of the VS.

This process bridges the gap that usually exists between the original idea and the implementation phase where visionary ideas are strategically assessed and key phases, element, and responsibilities identified. This deliverable presents the key steps for the design of the Visionary Solutions: from the definition of the objectives, desired outcomes and the identification of partners and relevant stakeholders, to the design of the business model canvas, the investigation of funding opportunities, the identification of the suitable governance model, and – finally – the VS workplan.

For each step, a descriptive text proposes questions to be answered, points of discussion, and potential approaches to be adopted; tips for the VARCITIES partners are also listed. Furthermore, to assess the value created by VSs, focus is placed not only on the traditional evaluation frameworks, but also on the use of Key Performance Indicators to monitor the multiple benefits provided by the solutions and their contribution to the local achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

The annexes contain information sheets and templates useful for the visual representation, management, and appraisal of the VS. Templates have been deigned considering the experience gained by EURAC on innovative urban projects and latest available knowledge developed at European level to provide technical assistance to cities. A deeper investigation of some steps laid down in this deliverable is assigned to other project deliverables related to WP3 (e.g. D3.3 and D3.4).

This is a public deliverable, you can download it below.