D3.6: Reports on the sketched solutions
Work Package 3, led by Eurac Research, provides the common knowledge framework needed to achieve Visionary and integrated Solutions proposed by the VARCITIES project.
Specifically, within Task 3.3 “Sketch of a set of solutions based on multiple benefits approach (cost-effective solutions) linked to KPIs”, E2ARC, coordinated the partners responsible for each pilot (Pilot representatives & Pilot experts), guiding them through the coidentification and co-design process for the sketching of their Visionary Solutions.
Key messages
- VARCITIES’ Visionary Solutions are transcribed under a feasibility, managerial, and financial perspective
- The input from Pilots was given on a voluntary basis, having in mind though that too many empty fields may indicate unaddressed issues which can be linked to possible risks.
- The process allowed VARCITIES’ Pilots to identify strengths and weaknesses in their plans.
- It provides key information that constitutes initial implementation packages for the Visionary Solutions.
- This approach can also serve as an example to be followed by other cities addressing similar challenges when transcribing ambitious solutions
Executive Summary
This Deliverable gives an extensive report of the sketched VARCITIES Visionary Solutions. E2ARC as leader of Task 3.3 “Sketch of a set of solutions based on multiple benefits approach (cost-effective solutions) linked to KPIs”, coordinated the partners responsible for each pilot (Pilot representatives & Pilot experts), guiding them through the coidentification and co-design process for the sketching of their Visionary Solutions. The sketching of the Visionary Solutions was based on T3.2 “Knowledge base creation: Understanding of pilot needs, challenges, barriers and drivers” for a precise and holistic understanding of the pilot needs and challenges. The elaboration process during the co-identification & co-design phase was characterised by a process of ideas development (joint competition of ideas) consisting of phases of individual work and phases of workshop conversations, as well as intermediate presentations and discussions. It involved the description of the solutions to the relevant STKs and consisted of a sequence of workshops during which a PESTLE analysis was also performed (T3.2). The cooperation process set by WP4 guaranteed proper feedback among the proposed solutions and the involved STKs.
E2ARC guided the Pilots through a step-by-step procedure outlined in a roadmap for co-creation and co-design. The results of the co-identification and co-creation process are the sketched Visionary Solutions reported and visualised in this deliverable. For every pilot, the site and the Masterplan (city’s actions) are introduced starting from the existing situation to the final concept for every visionary solution. The sketched solutions are transcribed under a feasibility, managerial, and financial perspective through the Annexes provided within D3.5 “Guidelines for sketching of solutions”. During the co-identification & the co-design phase of the VSs, the main issues, available funding, roles and responsibilities were defined, along with a first approach on governance. Initial business models were also drafted for the realisation of the Visionary Solutions into viable projects. Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G of D3.5 were used for the collection of this information from each pilot in a concise manner and per VS. The filled in templates (Annexes of D3.5) presented in this Deliverable 3.6 consist of the following information: Summary & Description of the VS, Main contacts, Summary of Components, Stakeholders, Strategic Planning & Assessment, Economic / Financial Analysis & Business Model Canvas. This information in fact constitutes initial implementation packages for the Visionary Solutions. As part of the Annexes of D3.6, information is provided regarding the specifications of the digital components, corresponding to the different VSs per pilot. Due to the large diversity of digital components, a template was created to facilitate the collection of this information in a uniform manner. The specifications of the digital components were collected by the pilots on a voluntary basis and the level of detail provided in it was determined by the pilots.
This is a public deliverable, you can download it below.