D5.1 List of deployed IoT sensors requirements

Work Package 5, led by Integrated Environmental Solutions, supports the digital innovation of VARCITIES by designing and developing all the ICT infrastructure required to collect, store, analyse and visualise data coming from all Pilots and make them available to different stakeholders including citizens in an easily understandable and engaging way.

Specifically, within WP4, Task 5.1 aims to derive the specifications for the IoT sensors and wearables deployed in the VARCTIES pilots. D5.1 is the result of this task.

Key messages

  • Specifications are based on the results of initial sensor mapping of each pilot’s VS supported by IT infrastructure, and the evaluation of SOTA from technical
  • Initial requirements for each IoT sensor type needed to be defined 
  • The list of deployed IT infrastructure serves as a baseline for Task 5.3 for additional sensors development, as well as in WP6, where it is used for preparation of tenders for the local IoT equipment, and selection of local suppliers and subcontractors.

Executive Summary

Based on the results of the initial sensor mapping for each pilot and the subsequent evaluation of SOTA of the relevant technologies, minimal requirementsfor each IoT sensor type are defined in terms of:

  • frequency of data acquisition/generation,
  • sensing range and accuracy,
  • durability and operating environment parameters,
  • connectivity
  • dimensions,
  • power supply and autonomy.

This is a confidential deliverable, as such the full deliverable is not available to the public.