D5.8: VARCITIES H&WB platform final – live data
Work Package 5, led by Integrated Environmental Solutions, supports the digital innovation of VARCITIES by designing and developing all the ICT infrastructure required to collect, store, analyse and visualise data coming from all Pilots and make them available to different stakeholders including citizens in an easily understandable and engaging way.
Specifically, Task 5.8 “Integration and communication testing” integrated the previous work done in WP5 to ensure that all the different components developed are interoperable and work together flawlessly to feed into VARCITIES Health & Well-Being Platform. The task ensured all required actions were taken for effective communication and integration among the different parts, testing data, information exchanges and protocols, as well as all the aspects relevant for the implementation in the pilots. T5.8 culminated with the final version of VARCITIES H&WB platform, ready to illustrate sensor data, educate participants, and receive participant feedback. This Deliverable explains this work and how it will be used in the pilot sites.
Key messages
- VARCITIES Health and Well-Being platform acts as a bridge between the real world of our Pilot sites and their digital representations (digital twin) on a user-friendly platform. The platform incorporates time series data from sensors, digital illustrations, and information on each pilot site, along with a user feedback page.
- All of VARCITIES’ seven Pilot Sites now have a fully functional H&WB Platform, ready to illustrate sensor data, raise awareness on health and well-being, and receive community feedback.
- The H&WB platform facilitates the extraction of meaningful data from Pilot sites, supporting both internal and external research endeavors in Europe.
- The H&WB platform is a scalable framework with potential district of city-wide up-scaling, or replication in diverse urban settings with similar health and well-being objectives
Executive Summary
This Deliverable gives a high-level overview of the Health & Well-Being (H&WB) platform developed as part of VARCITIES. This platform was created by IES and illustrates the time series data from sensors, digital illustrations and info on each pilot site as well as user feedback page where project participants can feedback their experience.
The H&WB platform forms the core of all detail operations on VARCITIES serving as a conduit between the real world and the its digital representation (digital twin) on a user-friendly platform. Moreover, the H&WB platform has enabled project partners and external users to extract meaningful data from the pilot sites towards the development of internal and external research in Europe.
All pilot sites have now had a fully functional H&WB Platform ready to illustrate sensor data, educate participants, and receive participant feedback. This Deliverable outlines the final iteration of the H&WB platform and illustrates how it will be used in the pilot sites.
This is a public deliverable, you can download it below.