D7.1: Report on Monitoring Methods and Operational Framework for Each Pilot

Work Package 7, led by University of Malta, targets the development of a KPI-based toolkit and roadmap for the implementation of NBS interventions.

Specifically, within WP7, Task 7.2 aims at developping the KPI-based approach. This Deliverable presents a detailed documentation of the KPI identification and selection processes which have been established. Additionally, it provides the data collection and M&E framework which will be followed.

Key messages

  • VARCITIES Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework tracks data collected throughout the project stages, with KPIs established based on the pilot cities’ specific needs and the Visionary Solutions (VS) developed in earlier stages of the project.
  • The framework includes stakeholder workshops, where input from stakeholders is sought to redefine VSs, evaluate the success factors of interventions, and assess the replicability of the solutions.
  • The evaluation framework, using scientifically-valid data from KPIs, will determine the effectiveness of NBS interventions and be included in the replication toolkit. The data will be harmonized and made accessible through the Health & Wellbeing (H&WB) Platform being developed in WP5.

Executive Summary

In VARCITIES, mainly through WP7, a toolkit and roadmap of implementing NBS interventions in various geographical contexts will be developed. A KPI-based approach is being adopted in order to have measurable results which reflect the main outcomes of the process at various stages. The M&E framework provided in this deliverable report will be implemented to keep track of the data being collected during the different stages of the project. A number of KPIs have been established from various sources, with particular relevance according to the pilot cities’ particular needs. VSs were developed at the early stages of the project (WP3), and later KPIs were defined in WP7 on the basis of the VS. STK workshops were held, and are still being held, by pilot leaders and experts following the development of the VARCITIES Co-Creation Strategy (WP4). This process is an integral part of VARCITIES as it involves STKs in the redefinition of the pilot cities’ VSs and also the evaluation process by asking for feedback related to the concept of the VSs, success factors of the pilot city interventions and later, the replicability of the VSs. The evaluation framework to be carried out towards the end of the project will determine the effectiveness of these NBS interventions, which will be included in the replication toolkit with scientifically-valid data from KPIs correlated with the VSs. Data will be harmonised and structured in a consistent manner. The results of these KPIs in relation to H&WB will then be made accessible through the H&WB Platform, which is currently being developed in WP5.

D7.1 presents a detailed documentation of the KPI identification and selection processes which have been established. Additionally, it provides the data collection and M&E framework which will be followed. Tables were included to display the specific KPIs being measured by the pilot cities, as well as their metrics. KPI forms were created for every KPI per pilot city which includes details about the data collection procedures and timelines, with particular steps suggested by WP7 and further defined by pilot experts.

This is a confidential deliverable, as such the full deliverable is not available to the public.