D8.4 Healthy Cities Helix

Work Package 8, led by INLECOM Systems Ltd, focuses on coordinating and protecting the Intellectual Property, guiding the filing of minimum patents with the the ultimate goal of protecting and retaining the commercially strategic IP “for Europe” and “within Europe”, in turn giving commercialising actors within the consortium a competitive advantage on a worldwide stage.

Specifically, within Task 8.5 “Healthy Cities Helix and Clustering with Relevant Projects,”, Crowd Helix developed on its Open Innovation plaform the new Healthy Cities Helix to support VARCITIES through its various development stages, including post-project. The Crowdhelix Open Innovation platform notably provides access to domain experts, SMEs & industry partners, as well as strategic links to commercial accelerators.

Key messages

  • The Healthy Cities Helix, a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing, is now active and has already engaged over 2,000 users.
  • Metrics for user interest and participation are continually being improved to enhance the effectiveness of the community.
  • The project management team will actively reach out to experts in smart cities, health and well-being, climate, and nature-based solutions through various channels to encourage their participation in the community.

Executive Summary

This report details the steps of the creation of the Healthy Cities Helix and its management. It outlines a strategy that the Crowdhelix team will implement in order to grow and maintain the community, as well as bringing the project’s technology closer to market.

This report also includes annexes to help the partners get familiar with this part of VARCITIES’s disseminations activities, and to offer additional context to those who are not yet familiar with the Crowdhelix platform. Further updates on the development of the Healthy Cities Helix and reports regarding the 4 annual helix stakeholder events are included in the periodic management reports.

This is a public deliverable, you can download it below.