D9.1 – Communication and Dissemination Strategy

In January 2020, ISOCARP Institute presented the general Communication & Dissemination Strategy of VARCITIES project, including target groups, dissemination channels, communication approaches, narratives, as well as guidelines for project partners. The Strategy will be reviewed every year and the final deliverable will be submitted at the end of the project.  In parallel, ISOCARP Institute is working closely with Pilot Cities to define tailored local communication and dissemination strategies.

This document constitutes the strategic framework and the guide for communication and dissemination activities of the VARCITIES project. The document clearly presents objectives, strategic guidelines, instructions and KPIs to measure the achievement and the impact of the project.   

In short, the document is composed of the following main sections:   

  • Outline of the objectives of communication and dissemination 
  • Introduction of the context of reference for communication and dissemination 
  • Analysis of the target audience 
  • Formulation of strategic approaches and guidelines 
  • Definition of means and delivery channels 
  • Instructions for internal organisations, tasks ad roles

Objectives and Context

In the first part the document outlines the objective of the Communication and Dissemination Strategy. In addition, it provides a brief but comprehensive overview about the scope of VARCITIES project, with section describing the Programme H2020-EU.3.5.2 and the Topic SC5-14-2019 – Visionary and integrated solutions to improve well-being and health in cities. Additional sections dedicated to NBS project, urban health and smart cities are included under “Context”.


Approaches and Target audience

Three strategic approaches have been defined to promote and facilitate the communication and dissemination of VARCITIES’ results. These include :”Standing on shoulders” (building on previous projects on NBS), “Co-creation” (involving all kind of local stakeholders and local communities), and “Networking and Clustering” (creating systemic relations within the area of nature-based solutions projects and in the field of urban health).

Regarding the target groups identified, the Strategy follows the same categories identified in the Co-creation Strategy. These include: 

  • Health & Well-being (public and private healthcare institutions and organisations) 
  • Nature-based solutions (various professionals working or interested in NBS) 
  • End-users and consumers (Citizens and final users of implemented VARCITIES solutions and services) 
  • Social development (Socially oriented initiatives which connect and bring together different layers and groups of society) 
  • Education, research and communication  (stakeholders which raise awareness, debate and expand knowledge on NBS and urban health) 
  • Government (local and regional governments, national agencies, departments, international associations and councils) 
  • Economy (founders, general business associations and start-ups which can contribute to the economic viability, success and uptake of VARCITIES solutions

For each target group, preferred dissemination channels and key messages are indicated.

Means, activities and delivery channels

This section includes a description of the most important dissemination channels. These are structured around 3 Pillars:

  • Project website and social media
  • The Healthy Cities Helix
  • The Health & Well-being Platform

In addition, a series of KPIs is define to monitor and assess the success of communication and dissemination activities.

Internal organisation

The last section defines a series of internal indications, guidelines and responsibility for the Consortium in order to ensure consistent communication and dissemination.  Specific attention is dedicated to GDPR issues as well gender equality.

This is a confidential deliverable, as such the full deliverable is not available to the public.