D9.4: Common Action Plan on clustering activities
Work Package 9, led by Crowd Helix, support the engagement and outreach activities between the VARCITIES Consortium and stakeholders, with the objective of accelerating the impact of VARCITIES solutions and uptake by key target audiences through effective communication and dissemination strategies and activities.
Specifically, within Task 9.5 led by TSI, Deliverable 9.4 provides a common action plan on clustering activities to establish networks and collaborations with others similar projects and initiatives, particularly with our Sister Projects (financed under the same H2020 call): IN-HABIT, GO GREEN ROUTES, euPOLIS.
Key messages
- Description of the common action plan on clustering activities
- Joint actions in terms of:
- Well-Being and Health at the local level
- Gender, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (GDE&I)
- Communications and Dissemination Activities
Executive Summary
The Deliverable 9.4 describes the common action plan on clustering activities, based on the relevant task (Task 9.5 VARCITIES Clustering activities with the other NBS projects).
After two common meetings with the sister projects (GOGREEN ROUTES, euPOLIS and IN-HABIT) a list of decided joint actions that have been decided, are presented concerning the common health and wellbeing indicators as well as activities referred to Gender, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Moreover, a description of joint deliverables and actions in dissemination and communication is presented.
This deliverable is to be updated on a yearly basis after periodical meetings with the sister projects. It should be noted that the Steering Committee and the General Assembly of VARCITIES will be informed in detail for every scheduled meeting and every action that will be decided with all the partners.
This is a public deliverable, you can download it below.