Several new deliverables approved and published on our website!

June 2023

We are pleased to report the approval by the European Commission, and publication on our website, of several new deliverables. These deliverables mark significant progress in the VARCITIES’mission to enhance Health & Wellbeing (H&WB) in cities through urban digital transformation and nature-based actions.

D3.1 Guidelines on knowledge baseline creation and data collection

Led by Eurac Research, this deliverable provides crucial guidelines to establish a common knowledge framework for the collection of data in VARCITIES’ pilot cities and beyond. It emphasizes the use of shared templates, common databases, and ethical considerations to ensure consistent and efficient data collection processes. The goal is to identify problems, challenges, and integrated solutions, paving the way for urban digital transformation and nature-based actions.

D3.5 Guidelines for sketching of solutions

Also led by Eurac Research, this public deliverable serves as a valuable resource for VARCITIES pilot leaders, local partners, and other cities and communities interested in developing similar Visionary Solutions enhancing citizens’ health and well-being in cities. The deliverable outlines key steps for designing Visionary Solutions through a participatory co-design process, encouraging stakeholder involvement and collaboration.

D3.7 Reports on co-design process

Prepared by Eurac , this deliverable highlights the significance of the co-design process in VARCITIES’ co-creation strategy. By integrating stakeholders’ inputs into the project’s outputs, the approach ensures a positive impact and adoption of the proposed Visionary Solutions in pilot cities. The iterative process shifts away from an expert-driven approach, enabling end-users to become active and equal contributors.

D4.2 VARCITIES Co-Creation Strategy

Led by Prospex Institute, this deliverable focuses on facilitating the co-creation of visionary nature-based and digital solutions with stakeholders in each of the pilot site. The strategy prioritizes engaging diverse stakeholders through workshops and activities, promoting gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the process. The co-creation unfolds in four stages: co-identification of needs and challenges, co-design, co-implementation, and co-evaluation of visionary solutions.

D7.1 Report on Monitoring Methods and Operational Framework for Each Pilot

Led by the University of Malta, this deliverable presents a detailed documentation of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework for the VARCITIES and its pilots. It tracks data collected from the pilot cities and establishes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on specific needs and the Visionary Solutions developed in the project. The evaluation framework will determine the effectiveness of nature-based solutions interventions and will be included in the replication toolkit.

D8.4 Healthy Cities Helix

Led by CrowdHelix, this deliverable introduces the new Healthy Cities Helix, a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing to support VARCITIES throughout its development stages, including post-project. The platform, already active with over 2,000 engaged users, provides access to domain experts, SMEs & industry partners, and strategic links to commercial accelerators. The project management team actively encourages experts in smart cities, health and well-being, climate, and nature-based solutions to participate in the community.

With the approval of these Deliverables, VARCITIES’ delivery is on the right track! We are making significant strides towards achieving our  goals of transforming our pilot cities into healthier and more sustainable environments. The published guidelines, strategies, and platforms  undoubtedly contribute to VARCITIES Resources! We hope our work can serve as valuable resources for cities in Europe seeking innovative and integrated solutions!