Socio-Cultural activity in Chania: 11th Panhellenic School Sports Day

October 2024

On Friday, September 27th, our Pilot team in Chania took part in the 11th Panhellenic School Sports Day, celebrated at Mitropoleos Square! The initiative,  supported by the Physical Education Office of Directorate of Secondary Education, Chania (DSEC), exceeded all expectations! A special highlight of the event was the presence of Chania VS1, the innovative multifunctional space, MULaR (Mobile Urban Living a Room).

During the day, MULaR operated as a radio station, facilitating live broadcasts on SPORT FM, where journalists conducted interviews with notable athletes from Chania, who recently participated in the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as representatives of institutional bodies and authorities. All interviewees shared their personal experiences regarding the contribution of school to their athletic development. Following the interviews, students had the opportunity to interact with the athletes, enhancing the dialogue on the promotion of physical exercise.

The overall programme of activities, beyond the interviews conducted at MULaR, also included an educational digital game titled “On the Trail of Medals,” designed by the Physical Education Office of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Chania (DSEC) in collaboration with the Technical University of Crete, VARCITIES coordinator.

Additionally, students had the opportunity to participate in sports activities through various stations set up around Mitropoleos Square, featuring outdoor rowing, e-sports, wheelchair basketball, and sailing.

Discover more about Chania’s Pilot on their Pilot page.