VARCITIES Kick-off meeting
September 12th, 2020
The 25 partners forming the consortium of VARCITIES met virtually from 9 to 11 September for the official kick-off of the project. During the 3-days of meeting, the partners had the opportunity to get to know each other better and to coordinate the work for the following weeks and months. The Pilot Cities gave a presentation introducing their local context and the pilot areas of the project.
We are a consortium of 25 partners, around 100 people from more than 9 European countries. The global pandemic increases the uncertainties and the difficulties, but we are enthusiast of working together and we are looking forward to the first results of the project. We also cannot wait for better time to come and to finally meet and work together in person.
Are you interested or actively engaged in shaping a healthier and sustainable future for your city? Then follow us and let’s stay in contact!
For any question or information regarding VARCITIES, please contact us at