VARCITIES presented at the Italian Sylviculture Congress

June 8, 2022
Green areas, urban forests and vegetational elements like trees, flower beds and glades are important for the health and well-being of citizens. Therefore, it is of interest to the managers of such areas to learn which are the main characteristics and features that influence the most the experience of people in contact with Nature. For this reason, a poster on the project VARCITIES and the experience of the Castelfranco Veneto Pilot Site has been presented at the 13th Congress of the Italian Society of Sylviculture and Forest Ecology, which has been held in Orvieto (TR) between the 30th of May and the 2nd of June 2022. The contribution presented the main objectives of the Visionary Solutions implemented in the historical garden of Villa Revedin Bolasco, with the aim of reporting an example to other realities that would like to replicate the experience.
The title of the contribution in Italian is ‘VARCITIES: soluzioni basate sulla natura per il benessere dei cittadini fragili’ which means ‘VARCITIES: Nature-Based Solutions for the well-being of frail citizens’. The book of abstract of the posters can be found at the following link: