D3.2 Common database and knowledge baseline

Work Package 3, led by Eurac Research, provides the common knowledge framework needed to achieve Visionary and integrated Solutions proposed by the VARCITIES project.

Specifically, within WP3, Task 3.1 is devoted to the creation of the knowledge baseline needed to characterize the status-quo of the pilots. Following the work started in D3.1 and the creation of a common template for qualitative and quantitative data collection, D3.2 processes, analyses and systematises the retrieved information to build a knowledge baseline of each pilots, i.e. to assess the status quo of the different urban ecosystems at the beginning of the project.

Key messages

  • The creation of a knowledge baseline sets a robust basis for defining and further implementing the proposed solutions
  • The identification of many common traits among the pilots suggests that similar solutions, adequately adapted to local conditions, can be adopted
  • Peer-to-peer learning helps in ensuring the achievement of the project goals by all pilots

Executive Summary

Among the first activities of the VARCITIES project there are those concerned with the identification of problems or challenges that could affect the pilot cities and that could impact both the design and the implementation of adequate Visionary Solutions (VSs) based on urban digital transformation and nature-based actions such as greening of (open) spaces. In particular, the objective of Work Package 3 (WP3) is to provide the common knowledge framework that is necessary to achieve integrated VSs designed to foster a significant increase in Health & Wellbeing (H&WB) in VARCITIES pilot cities. Within WP3, Task 3.1 is specifically devoted to the creation of the knowledge baseline needed to 1) characterize the status-quo of the pilots (Task 3.1), 2) identify and understand challenges & needs, barriers & drivers that could affect VSs design and implementation (Task 3.2), 3) design the VSs through co-creative processes (Task 3.3, WP4) and 4) implement them (WP6). Accordingly, the present Deliverable (D) 3.2 contains a synthesis of the results from the first collection of data from the pilots (carried out as a Task 3.1 activity), specifically dedicated to gather the necessary information for a sound and robust knowledge baseline for the VARCITIES project. To ensure an effective data collection, as well as a reasonable homogeneity of the data collected, a template for pilot characterization was developed (see D3.1) and distributed to the pilot leaders to fill it. Integrative information was retrieved from common European-scale databases to fill in eventual gaps in local-source information and to ensure a higher homogeneity of data.

This Deliverable presents a detailed comparative analysis of the heterogenous data returned by the pilots, performed after a process of review and systematization of the included information. Strengths and weaknesses, as well as similarities and differences among the pilot cities for what concerns each relevant aspect of knowledge are synthesized. The reviewed templates for the single pilot cities, that concretely form the individual knowledge baseline for the pilot cities of VARCITIES, are also included

This is a confidential deliverable, as such the full deliverable is not available to the public.