Castelfranco 2nd Co-Creation Workshop
November 2021
The Castelfranco Veneto Pilot City has carried out the second workshop with the local stakeholders in November 2021 adopting a two-phase approach: a first meeting was conducted online in the shape of a webinar to present in detail the Visionary Solutions and inform the participants in order to prepare them to the second phase, which was based on a participatory approach in presence at Villa Revedin Bolasco. Thanks to the activity of visual recording of the illustrators from Scribing and the facilitators from Etifor, the workshop gathered stakeholders from different categories of interest, showing that the Visionary Solutions implemented at the historical garden of Villa Revedin Bolasco are relevant to many.
After a visit to the garden that allowed to better visualize the VS activities, the stakeholders have been invited to give their suggestions and comments to improve the project implementation.
The Castelfranco Veneto Pilot Site working team has really appreciated the inputs from the stakeholders and is now going to kick off the VSs’ implementation phase.
Stay tuned for more posts on the second round of co-creation workshops with our other pilot cities.